0 A.D. is a real time strategy game focused on empire building and war at different points throughout history. It is clearly inspired by 'Age...
129.6 k downloads
OpenRCT2 is an open source reimplementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, a 2002 construction and management game in which players take control of an amusement park...
2.8 k downloads
OpenTTD is an open source remake of the classic strategy game 'Transport Tycoon Deluxe' from 1995. In it, you must create a transport network between...
49.2 k downloads
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries is a real-time strategy game principally focused on combat where the players can select one of the seven available cultures to...
29.4 k downloads
OpenRA is a free real-time strategy game engine compatible with mods to classics from Westwood Studios like Command and Conquer and Command and Conquer: Red...
11.9 k downloads
As in the original game released in 1994 by Microprose, you start in 1492 and your object is to Colonize America.
FreeCol is a turn-based strategy...
26 k downloads
CaesarIA is a real time strategy game in which players build a Roman city from scratch and then go on to lead an empire to...
20.7 k downloads
OpenLoco is a free and open source strategy and management game which allows you to enjoy the classic Chris Sawyer's Locomotion with a host of...
VCMI is an open-source recreation of the Heroes of Might and Magic III engine, which will allow you to enjoy one of the most beloved...
The Battle for Wesnoth is a completely free project created in 2003 by David White, in collaboration with more than 50 people throughout the years...
60.7 k downloads